The Salvation Army of DeKalb is located at 830 Grove Street, is a 16,394 sq. ft. single story, concrete, steel and masonry structure with a full basement. The original 7,837 sq. ft. northern half of the building was constructed in 1971 and appears to be mostly unaltered from its original state. This portion of the building consists of the main entry, Sanctuary, administration space and public restrooms on the first floor and a Gymnasium, Commercial Kitchen and storage on the basement level. An 8,557 sq. ft. addition was added in 1992 and also appears to be in the state in which it was constructed. This portion of the building was constructed to house daycare classrooms and a multipurpose room on the first floor. The basement was primarily meant to be storage. The daycare rooms are used currently as classroom spaces and the basement is utilized by the Salvation Army Food Pantry. The1992 addition includes an elevator connecting the main level and basement level.
The Salvation Army contracted with Sharp Architects, Inc. to analyze the building and come up with a proposal and cost estimate to not only bring the building up to current life safety and accessibility codes, but also update space usage to align with their current mission and update finishes that are tired and dated.
We divided the building assessment and design into four separate pricing zones. Each pricing zone represents an area where we felt can be easily isolated from other areas of work. Sharp Architects developed both written and drawing materials to the local Salvation Army Advisory Board so that they could make informed decisions about what improvements they would like to see proceed. We are currently awaiting their decision.
Client: The Salvation Army
Project Size: 16,400 SQ. FT.